Thanksgiving and Jail


November 26, 2010 by Kate Savage

But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore.”

Isaiah 42:22

This last weekend I spent a day and a half in the Muscogee County Jail in Georgia. Soon I will write about the School of the Americas Watch Vigil, its fight and its power. Soon I will write about the fragility of First Amendment rights and how quickly I saw them disappear. But first I want to write about this:

I am out of jail. 2.5 million others in this country tonight are not. Maybe some got canned turkey on their plastic trays today, to celebrate.

Our country has the highest incarceration rate of any country—one in 31 adults—and the highest number of people locked up in cages.

More black men are currently in prison in the U.S. than were slaves in 1850.

7.2 million of us are in jail, in prison, on probation or on parole.

But these were all facts that I already knew.

What I didn’t know is that the vitamin-depleted food tastes and smells like Purina Cat Chow, served with some slimy iceburg lettuce and “milk” with seven ingredients.

I didn’t know about the weight of those slit-windowed rooms, the sense of being buried deep even though we were on the fourth-floor cell block, of being so easy to forget, which is the real horror of a dungeon. I didn’t know “outdoor recreation” meant a rare moment in a high-walled, concrete courtyard.

I didn’t know books would be contraband, a near impossibility. When I saw how much these women loved to read, I told them I’d mail them some books, only to discover that to give these women books I would have to come in person during visiting hours and give one at a time. There is, of course, no library in the jail. The aim of the place is to punish, shame, and deprive.

I didn’t know about Gwen, with the worn face and quiet patience of an Appalachian farmer, who is sitting in a cage because her boyfriend left marijuana at her house.

I didn’t know that 19-year-old Katie has been waiting for a trial date for six months now so the State can figure out if she actually stole that Wii or not. Katie was going to nursing school and caring for her two-year-old daughter when she was arrested, and because her parents now have this little girl to care for they can’t afford bail. It’s like a debtor’s prison: the longer you’re in there, the less likely you’ll be able to afford to get out. Katie, who seems tough, capable, stoic, cries when she speaks of her daughter. She told me she thought she’d be fine when she learned her mother and daughter could visit her twice a week, but she fell apart when she instead was only allowed to speak through a telephone to their images on a television screen. This is the case for all of them in Muscogee County Jail.

In sum, I didn’t know is that “innocent until proven guilty” was such an outrageous lie. If a cop brings you in, you’re guilty. It doesn’t matter what any facts say, you will be punished. If you’re poor, your guilt is heavier, your punishment more severe. For my own convictions for “picketing” and “demonstration without a permit,” I was sentenced to forty days in jail or $300 fines. If I hadn’t had that $300, I would be there until 2011. Forty days or $300—clearly, the punishment for one who can’t pay is far higher. In this reckoning, each day’s worth of freedom, of being with loved ones and feeling the sun and breeze and earth, is worth $7.50.

There is a payment plan for those who can only pay by installments—but I was told this would cost an extra $50 per month, making the option ridiculously cost-prohibitive.

What’s more, I was also charged with “unlawful assembly,” which is a state charge—if I didn’t have $1,300 for bail, I would be in there for weeks or months waiting for that trial.

And waiting for trials is what people in jail do. The women told me they expected to wait four to twelve months before they got a day in court. At that point some of them will be judged to be innocent, but by then they will already have paid heavily for the guilt of poverty.

And so this Thanksgiving I want to send out a call for the old Christian ideal of visiting those in prison, of learning the stories of our society’s most vulnerable. Though the prison figures large in sacred stories from both the Bible and Book of Mormon, we treat wrongful imprisonment as a thing of the past, something we have overcome in our enlightened democracy. We should instead learn that the well-spring of Right Living has always been a kind of steady unruliness, a wilfulness which no Empire can abide.

Also, for Thanksgiving I need to say I’m thankful for the women of the fourth-floor cell block of Muscogee County Jail. For Keisha’s polite explanations of what to do when I came in wide-eyed, dragging my mattress, and for letting me read her Bible and her copy of Twilight all night. For Bama’s kind sass and smile, and for dancing with me in the common area. For Mally and Toi and Miss Margie and Christine and all the others whose names I’ve forgotten because I had no pen and paper to write them down. All of them still laughing easily, still aware of their stories and their dignity after months of being treated with mechanized, organized violence.

A fearful and narrow-eyed State—the same sort of bullies that beheaded the non-conforming John the Baptist—has stripped them of the people and places they love. It acts with brutal efficiency when it comes to capturing them and putting them behind bars, and plods along tortuously when asked to figure out if anyone actually disobeyed its rules.  It encourages a culture where being behind bars is taken as proof of shameful behavior: at worst, we condemn them, and at best, we ignore them.

In resistance, the women dance and make a home out of nothing.

33 thoughts on “Thanksgiving and Jail

  1. J. Madson says:

    I have to applaud you while at the same time lamenting the truth about the “land of the free.” I am reminded of Arthur Silber’s comment and excuse the language

    “The law is not the only method by which the state controls us, and strips our national discussion of all meaning. There is another, less formal but no less constricting means, which is commonly identified by the phrase, “the rules.” We must all follow “the rules.” You cannot ever break “the rules.” Be very, very clear on this point: the only way you can speak the truth on any subject of importance in this country today is BY BREAKING THE RULES…

    Friends, if this country — and if you individually — are to have any kind of human future at all, and by “human,” I mean a life with any genuine meaning and joy, a life not fatally compromised by ongoing murder, torture, and brutality — you had better f-ing disturb the peace every second of every day.”

  2. Brian Gerald says:

    Thank you for sharing and thank you for telling not just your own story but the stories of those you’ve met.

    “If you’re writing letters to the prisoners, start tearing down the bars. If you’re handing out flashlights in the dark, start handing out stars.” – Andrea Gibson, Say Yes

  3. Ron Madson says:

    Awesome report and brilliant writing Katy! I am also linking this article to as many as I can. This should be shouted from the rooftops!
    Our Penal Society is also largely fueled by the our belief in the “sacred” free market theology. Incarceration is big business—from revenue creation in some communities by prosecuting/fining everything imaginable to finding ways to create on state level a whole new victim class. NPR has pointed out how even the immigration legislation in Arizona was/is largely fueled by the relentless greed driven “free” markets. check this out:

    Big business like capitalism will promiscuously have relations with any endeavor—no mater how evil…it is only about the money

    • katysavage says:

      Ron, I live in Nashville, Tennessee, which is the headquarters of Corrections Corporation of America, the largest private prison industry in the country. As I started researching this and reading what you posted, I felt increasingly sick. Open racism feels like a positive relief compared to people in suits sitting around a boardroom trying to figure out how to expand their market and open bottlenecks–and concluding that they need to lobby for increased criminalization of migrants and more time in jail for all.

      I wonder if ‘efficient’ free-market systems will try to get into the execution market next. We’ve already handed off warfare to them after all.

  4. Dave P. says:

    Of course a good number of those incarcerations are drug-related offenses. These people are victims of the War on Drugs because they DARE to decide what to put into their own bodies.

  5. LJ says:

    Great article. This isn’t an experience most Americans can share without judgement, yet so many are unaware of what the people in jail are really like and how the system victimizes. I spent a weekend in Utah County jail (Marijuana charges that I was guilty of- Yes, you CAN go to jail for posession of a minor amount) where I also became disillusioned with our notions of “innocent until proven guilty” and how just our application of the rule of law is. You really do see how it is nothing more than a business. Morals, justice, and common sense have nothing to do with it. I would add to your article that the right to “one phone call” is also a joke. Where I was, you couldn’t call cell phones nor access the numbers from your cell phone. You had to call a landline that was listed in the phonebook or stay in jail awaiting trial. Most of us today don’t memorize numbers. I know very few people with landlines. The MAJORITY of my cellmates could have posted bail and left but were unable to do so because they could not reach anyone via telephone under these ridiculous restrictions. The jails KNOW landlines and telephone books are obsolete. It’s just one more way to keep people there. I was one of the lucky few who had the means to post bail and an older family member in the area with a landline. I met so many nice women who were struggling. The first thing I did when I found out I was getting out was to get names and numbers to call to help people get out or at least communicate the fact they were in jail ( women’s husbands, parents, etc.) I am still friends with one of the girls to this day. The problem with sharing my experience, however, is that no one takes you seriously if you’ve ever been on the wrong side of glass window yourself. Yet, the only people that really know are the ones with that diminished credibility.

    • katysavage says:

      Thank you so, so much for sharing your experience. I’ve heard quite a few stories similar to yours about phone calls from jail being impossible. I think they bent the rules for us in Muscogee County Jail because so many of us were white and middle-class–even allowing some of us to call from our own cell phones. It didn’t hurt them to let some of us call our families, so why can’t they allow this for everyone?

      We must begin making these demands–all of us, on both sides of the bars, are affected by this.

    • pura vida says:

      LJ you are so right about the phone system. It took us three months to be able to talk with my son after he was incarcerated. We live out of the country so my son could not place any calls to us. We finally had to get a Vonage phone set up at $30.00 a month and we also have to make a payment of $50.00 minimum to be able to talk to him. There is a phone company that handles the jails and prisons and they charge quite a bit. We pay $4.00 per fifteen minute call, and that is with a local area code. Once our son gets to go to prison, he is pretty excited about that after his two and a half years in jail, we will change our Vonage area code so that it will stay the same price. There are many families that cannot afford to ever talk to their inmates. Many times when I talk to my son I relay messages from his friends to their families and loved ones. Our letters take nine days to get there and we are not allowed to send anything. As far as books, that was great that you all were able to hand deliver them. We are only allowed to have them sent straight from a publisher. It is a very sad situation for any inmate, but even more so if you are low on funds. There are organizations that try and help the inmates be able to talk to their loved ones. As far as visitors. In county they are allowed only two half hour visits per week through the glass. My son is looking so forward to the day we can visit in prison, and actually get in a hug and hang out for the whole day. They also have food day when you can bring in a food. Sorry to ramble but these are all things we have learned the hard way and as my son says he will always visit anyone in jail and send letters, forever!!!!

      • katysavage says:

        Is this what we want? Young people are EXCITED to go to prison so they can finally hug their parents? Pura Vida, this is so unjust.

        And it’s not just unjust, it’s stupid. If our actual aim were to make the world safer, why would we put people in cages where they can’t learn skills, read books, or communicate with their loved ones? The cage can’t rehabilitate people and make them gentle and considerate–only care and creativity can. Yet you both, LJ and Pura Vida, have shown us how the incarceration system tries to eradicate as much care and creativity from peoples’ lives as possible.

        Pura Vida, please keep telling your story and your son’s story. Please let us know what’s happening and what people need. It’s probably naive of me, but I can’t help but believe if enough people hear what you and your family have been through, they can’t help but feel indignant and start working for a real change.

  6. Ashley Sanders says:


    As always, this is stunning: stunningly true and stunningly well-written. Thank you for being our holiday conscience. I will go and visit the prison, then try to figure out how to abolish them. Wish me luck.

  7. […] *Note from me: Also read Katy Savage’s article about spending Thanksgiving in jail because of a just protest. Read Here […]

  8. Forest Simmons says:

    Joseph Smith and his most loyal followers spent long months in cold, filthy dungeons. They knew first hand what a sham our “justice system” is.

    Nearly a century ago Jack London wrote, “The Star Rover,”

    which portrays the same picture of incarceration that has not improved one iota.

    Katy, thanks for your courage. You are right up there with Amy Goodman and Rachel Corrie in my book.

    • tariq says:

      Joseph Smith’s first hand knowledge of the inside of a prison cell is probably why, during his unsuccessful run for the U.S. Presidency, the abolition of prisons was part of his campaign platform. He took the same stance that the anarchists would take a few decades later; that prisons are a crime against humanity that do more harm than good, and that the best way to deal with “criminals” is with friendship and education, rather than a cage. Joseph and the anarchists did not want to reform prisons, like so many feel-good liberals want to do, they wanted to abolish them, because prisons are nothing more than monuments to the State’s cruelty and abuse. Uncle Sam’s criminal justice system, in fact, most nations’ criminal justice systems, are controlled by savages with zero concern for morals, ethics, or even basic human dignity. I’m not saying that every person in prison is an innocent saint, but most people outside of prison aren’t innocent saints either, and let’s face it, there is probably a higher percentage of psychopaths among cops and prison guards than there is among prisoners.

      • katysavage says:

        I had no idea prison abolition was in Joseph Smith’s campaign platform. Incredible. Thanks for this, Tariq.

      • Forest Simmons says:

        In the book of Helaman we read about a time when the gadianton robbers were an existential threat to everybody elase, i.e. these robbers were not petty criminals.

        By uniting themselves in the center of their land and sharing all things in common, the people were able defeat the robbers.

        Did they leave them to rot in Gitmo?

        Here’s what the record says:

        3 Ne. 5: 4 And now it came to pass that when they had taken all the robbers prisoners, insomuch that none did escape who were not slain, they did cast their prisoners into prison, and did cause the word of God to be preached unto them; and as many as would repent of their sins and enter into a covenant that they would murder no more were set at liberty.
        5 But as many as there were who did not enter into a covenant, and who did still continue to have those secret murders in their hearts, yea, as many as were found breathing out threatenings against their brethren were condemned and punished according to the law.
        3 Ne. 6: 3 And they granted unto those robbers who had entered into a covenant to keep the peace of the land, who were desirous to remain Lamanites, lands, according to their numbers, that they might have, with their labors, wherewith to subsist upon; and thus they did establish peace in all the land.

  9. pura vida says:

    Thank you so much for your words and enlightenment. I spent my whole life being unaware of jail, prison, or that there was even a difference. Making people aware of what is going on in the jails is so important. My son has been in county jail since he was 17, two and a half years, and boy has that been an education for our whole family. He will finally receive his sentence this week, once you take a plea you give up your right to a speedy trial obviously. My son is writing about his experiences and hoping to bring awareness as well. Thanks again for sharing and the work you are doing!

    • katysavage says:

      Oh my goodness, Pura Vida, I am heartbroken to hear about your son. Two and a half years in a county jail would be a nightmare. I can’t believe this is how he’s had to spend these formative years of developing from a boy to a man.

      I’ve also read that all people are routinely encouraged to take plea bargains, because that’s just easiest on judges and defense teams. So many people admit guilt and spend so much time in jail, just because they’re terrified of being punished extra for saying they’re innocent and allowing a real trial to go forward. More proof that we are NOT innocent until proven guilty: it’s far more the opposite.

      My prayers are with you and your family. Please tell us if there is anything we can do as a community to help. I’m so glad your son is writing about this ‘education’ he is getting: we really need voices like his to wake us up.

  10. Forest Simmons says:

    It was announced in the news that federal agents foiled a car bomb plot here in Portland, Oregon on the Thanksgiving Holiday.

    It turns out that all of the co-conspiritors except one, a 19 year old boy named Mohammed, were federal agents who had combined to entice the unstable boy into the plot, only to expose him at the last minute.

    They called it a “sting” operation, but instead of inflitration into an existing conspiracy, apparently the agents started it up from scratch. “Entrapment” would be a more accurate word.

    How long with this boy rot in prison? What torture will he have to endure?

    The real crooks are the combinations built up to get power and gain that manufacture scares like this so that citizens will be scared into giving up their civil liberties in the name of public security, while the security industry makes big bucks “protecting” us from the supposed terrorists.

    See, for example

  11. Ash Johnsdottir says:

    Thank you for this Katy.

  12. llcall says:

    I enjoyed reading this piece, Katy, and following the comments. The issues surrounding incarceration are so complex and I agree that they need to see the light of day and be discussed more frequently than they are. I think understanding the difference between jail and prison is an important place to start because in my experience talking about my own work and research, not enough people understand the unique situation and challenges posed by each location.

    • llcall says:

      I am half brain-dead from caring for a sick infant and just remembered the other thing I wanted to say. Jails are by their nature locally run, and therefore, differ VERY widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. The majority of jails that I have done work in and talked to inmates about do have libraries and inmates have access to what is there (though there is not always the variety they would like). It is difficult to put into words how different the environments can be at different jails! But the local variability is a great thing for people looking to make a difference…it is much more difficult to make inroads with the federal BOP, for example. I have seen a lot of great work because people in the community took initiative to try and offer services/classes/books and whatnot. By and large, I have seen jail administrators be receptive to programming and service efforts from outside. But the bit about the cat chow, I think that’s a universal.

      • katysavage says:

        I’ve always had so much respect for the work you’re doing and have done with incarcerated populations. What you’re talking about is exactly what I want: for communities to get educated about and involved with their local jails and inmates. Some might come out of it wanting to burn the place down, others might start organizing classes or putting together libraries (or, who knows, maybe even farm-to-jail programs which bring healthy, tasty foods to prisoners while buying surpluses from local farmers?).

        Keep up the awesome work.

  13. Joseph says:

    I’m embarrassed to say that my main experience with jails was a result of the not-very-exciting crime of jaywalking (on a residential road that runs by my house during a time of virtually no traffic; I’m pretty confident the cop was hoping I was a drunk he could bully around). As I think about it now, though, especially after reading this post, the fact that you can end up in jail for jaywalking seems to me to be a comment on how much of a repressive police-state the U.S. is.

    The biggest problem was that the officer was never very clear to me about what I was being charged with, so I was reluctant to give my name (I’d already had very bad experiences with the local cops not too long before), so I got hit with “concealing identity.” I don’t care what excuses you make for them, “Stop and ID” laws are totalitarian, especially when they are applied to pedestrians.

    I was thrown to the ground, scraped up, frisked, and forced to sit in uncomfortable positions which created panic in me, causing me to stand up at times resulting in the charge of “resisting arrest” (I’m not really a violent person, and certainly not a threatening one). At the jail several officers joined in throwing me around the room and onto the ground, one officer bending my finger until I asked them to stop. In addition to the scrapes from being thrown around the handcuffs were put in tight enough to bite pretty effectively into my wrists.

    All of this because I was going through a rough time and needed to get out to go for a walk that night. This post has been giving the idea to try and write about this experience online for a few days now, but I still feel awkward doing so. Because of the public nature of this forum, I’m not willing to share all the bad things I went through.

    I did get out of jail quickly (it nearly destroyed me financially to do so, as Katy pointed out), but the short time I was there taught me how shameful, cruel, and destructive our penal system is, and how easy it is to be thrown in jail simply because some cop is throwing his “authority” around. My heart goes out to those who aren’t so lucky as I was. And I realized that the jails are there primarily to victimize the poor, regardless of what other “reasons” might be given.

    And yes, the food is terrible. And they throw it to you like you’re some kind of animal.

    I appreciated Katy’s thoughts, and I am even more awakened to the injustice of our “legal” system by the stories shared here. I’ve always agreed with Joseph Smith’s desire to get rid of the prison system entirely and replace it with education (I wish I had a citation, but I think it was something my Dad read in Cannon’s biography of Joseph Smith), but now I really understand where Joseph was coming from.

    • katysavage says:

      Bless you for sharing your story, Joseph. This is such an important experience for people to hear. My heart breaks over the sheer trauma that would result from an experience like this.

      Often people will respond to stories of trauma and injustice like this with the ‘one bad apple’ argument: sure, there will be awful cops every now and then, but the majority are good citizens who just want to stop crime and keep us safe.

      But the question for us is to ask: do we want communities where, structurally, sadistic cops have the ability to abuse us and get away with it? Do we want a society that aids and abets bullies like this? Can’t we create structural safe-guards (a strong community cop-watch with some teeth?) to protect us from out-of-control alpha males with badges?

      Thank you again, so much, for your bravery and ability in sharing your experiences.

      • tariq says:

        There sure are an awful lot of “one bad apples.” Makes me wonder if really the argument should be that the whole bushel is rotten, and maybe there are a few good apples that made it in there somehow. My response to the “one bad apple” argument is that I don’t think it is a problem of individual cops. Even a good person could easily be corrupted by that kind of power. As the D&C tells us, “It is the nature and disposition of almost ALL men, that as soon as they get a little authority…they will IMMEDIATELY begin to excercise unrighteous dominion.” Plus, when the system itself is rotten, as it is, then it doesn’t matter how good of a person the cop is if s/he still has to serve a wicked system.

        Thanks for sharing your story, Joseph. The really messed up thing about it is that it is in no way abnormal. That kind of abuse happens every day, and no cops ever get in trouble for it.

        I’ve been in jail twice, both times for activism I was doing, both times for bogus charges. Fortunately, I had alot of people on the outside standing up for me so I didn’t stay in for more than a few hours both times. But most people in jail aren’t so privileged, and they aren’t in there for activism, so it is much easier for officials to get away with abusing them.

        Hey Joseph, I have the Joseph Smith citation for you. It’s from an 1844 pamphlet titled “General Smith’s Views of the Powers and Policy of the Government of the United States.” In it, Joseph Smith lays out his campaign platform, which is rather progressive for its time, with a plan to end slavery and to provide women’s suffrage. As for prison, he says it should be abolished, although he makes an exception for murder, saying that murder is the only crime that can claim confinement. He says,

        “Petition your state legislatures to pardon every convict in their several penitentiaries, blessing them as they go, and saying to them, in the name of the Lord, go thy way and sin no more… Rigor and seclusion will never do as much to reform the propensities of man, as reason and friendship. Murder only can claim confinement or death. Let the penitentiaries be turned into seminaries of learning, where intelligence, like the angels of heaven, would banish such fragments of barbarism. Imprisonment for debt is a meaner practice than the savage tolerates with all his ferocity. “Amor vincit amnia.” Love conquers all.”

        Imagine if today a politician running for President said, “If I am elected, I will pardon every convict in our prisons and tell them to “go their way and sin no more,” and then went on to say s/he would abolish the prison industrial complex because it is a “fragment of barbarism.” In that case, I might actually consider putting my anarchist principles aside for a moment and vote (maybe).

        Katy, I appreciate this article as well as the good discussion it has generated. I hope some of this discussion translates to action.

      • Joseph says:

        I agree with both Katy’s and Tariq’s comments. In the elders quorum I attend, there are several police officers, and several more in the ward. I consider them my friends, and they are good people. It’s the system that corrupts. I don’t think the officers who harassed me were necessarily bad apples (I doubt they’re the best of the force, however), but they were doing what they thought was expected of them: keep weirdos like me who want to go for walks in line, so everyone else can drive their cars and watch their televisions in safety.

        Of course, a total rearrangement of society or abolishment of the corrupt system would be preferred, but since that isn’t likely to happen soon, Katy’s idea of a police-watch community group is a good one. It is not only a good idea, but it’s any idea that works in other communities. Getting it to happen in my community seems to be more difficult. I don’t think the officers who abused me were bad necessarily, they were just doing what they have been taught to do. A community watch group could help educate officers in helping them understand the limits of their authority.

        And thanks, Tariq, for the cite. Yeah, Joseph Smith’s candidacy for U.S. Presidency is the total opposite of certain current LDS candidates (at least from the last election).

        I did find the conversation very helpful. Thanks!

  14. nat kelly says:

    This was an incredible article. Thank you so much for sharing. Everything you said was important and exactly right.

  15. Forest Simmons says:

    Never having heard the complete quote from Bro. Joseph’s platform, I was given the wrong impression that he wanted to keep the prisons, but to make them more humane with a focus on education, rather than punishment. But now, from the context, it is clear that he meant to abolish the prisons, and to use the resources thus saved for establishing institutions of learning, perhaps even changing public schools into institutions of learning.

  16. missy. says:

    Katy, I know it’s been several weeks since you posted, but I just found this essay and it is amazing. So sad and compelling and illuminating–not to mention the fact that your prose is truly lovely. Thank you so much.

  17. […] and “Socialist” in the same thought, but there’s some good stuff there, like this report from a poster who spent a night in a women’s jail in […]

  18. […] terrorists a privilege that domestic suspected criminals don’t enjoy. I highly recommend an article by Katy Savage, who spent some time in jail that I wrote about in ORBIS following the annual School […]

  19. […] terrorists a privilege that domestic suspected criminals don’t enjoy. I highly recommend this article by Katy Savage, who spent some time in jail that I wrote about in ORBIS following the annual School […]

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